Bumble BFF - Bridging the Gap: Connecting in the Digital Age

For my Thesis, I developed a targeted marketing strategy for Bumble BFF, addressing hesitancy around its unconventional nature by leveraging personal narrative and immersive tactics, resulting in compelling copy and experiential campaigns.

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada - Reinterpretation of Daily Mails ‘Giving Guys The Ultimate Bragging Rights’:

In this strategy proposal, I identify an opportunity to engage an overlooked demographic in sports marketing - women.

The Advertising & Design Club of Canada - Reinterpretation of Daily Mails ‘Giving Guys The Ultimate Bragging Rights’:

In this strategy proposal, I identify an opportunity to engage an overlooked demographic in sports marketing - women. 

 The Sweet Potato- Sustainable Seas Fish Market:

For this rebranding assignment, I demonstrated my ability to blend creativity with strategic thinking by conceptualizing an advertisement for The Sweet Potato's expansion into sustainable fish markets.

#ItAintLitOutHere- Inadequate Lighting Awareness Campaign:

My passion for social awareness shines through in this project, addressing safety concerns in Toronto due to inadequate lighting. Through a compelling copy ad and social media campaign, I aim to raise awareness and provide a platform for community involvement, demonstrating the ability to tackle social issues creatively.

AVEUM- ADVR Challenge Connecting Youth & Seniors:

Aveum was proposed as an organization aimed at fostering intergenerational connections through shared interests and activities. Here we strategically tackled the brief to create a comprehensive campaign.

Digital Art Projects:

In addition to my advertising projects, I've also pursued personal digital art endeavours, utilizing tools like Procreate and Adobe Illustrator. These projects showcase my artistic flair and proficiency in digital mediums, offering a glimpse into my creative exploration.

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